Sunday 25 November 2012


Hello everyone!

You'd all laugh I bet (all two of you, Beth and Parin if you're reading this) if you knew just how excited I am about writing this post. I feel as though I've had love-hate relationships with every blog I've ever started - my tumblr accounts are abused, undergoing one url change after another (I think I've had eight?), and subsequently get deleted when I get bored of them. It's not like I end up making another one a day later or anything. I had a blogspot a while ago, but boy was that an embarrassment. I was a thirteen year old that thought she was so damn intelligent. My posts were pretentious little diary entries. Let's pretend that never happened.

I'm having a little bit of trouble working the new blogger layout, so I decided to quickly write up a post to help me visualise the editing of this blog. This is just me stopping by to say hello to the new blog and my multitude of followers (they'll come, give them time haha) and freak out a little over the feeling of actually writing blogposts. I'm two-thirds a fashion blogger already oh my god (the Michael Kors watch I have giving me the first third), and I will be a fully-fledged one next Tuesday after my piano exam when I'll have an outfit post for you all!

Till then,
Tara xx

P.S. I'm being a sarcastic. I doubt I'll ever be a fashion blogger as I actually have no idea what I'm doing. Technology has never been my forte. YOLO.
P.P.S. Being ironic with the yolo there also. I'm turning into such an angry hipster, I'm scared.
P.P.P.S. If anyone other than Beth and Parin is reading this, pleeeeeease be sure to check them out! They inspired me to give this a go, I love both of their blogs so much they have great style.